Regain Youthful Skin with Belotero Balance

Moderating the signs of aging

Regaining your youth can be effected through your dress, mannerisms and attitude. But there's some signs of aging that just can't be hidden by the usual methods, such as lines that naturally form around the nose and mouth. Chief among these are the nasolabial folds that run from the outside of the nose down to the corner of your lips, which start forming and deepening as early as your thirties.

Belotero Balance to the rescue

Enter Belotero Balance, a radical new treatment for filling and smoothing those pesky mouth wrinkles. Belotero has many uses but more commonly treats facial lines and wrinkles including marionette lines, nasolabial folds, and lip contours and volume. A newer dermal filler in the form of a temporary injectable that uses the power of hyaluronic acid to fuse with your skin tissue, increasing its pliability and 'bounce' for a natural feel and wrinkle-free appearance.

Hyaluronic acid, along with elastin and collagen, is one of the main naturally-occurring chemicals in the skin that we begin to lose as we age. That's why Belotero Balance, which is composed of hyaluronic acid itself, is so effective at restoring youth to your skin.

Pre-treatment notes

Before beginning treatment with Belotero Balance, it's important to notify your doctor if you are taking certain medications that affect either blood clotting or your immune system. Examples are aspirin, any NSAID medication, or immunosuppressant. They can reduce the efficacy of the treatment.

You should also notify your doctor if you are currently having a skin reaction like hives, rashes, infections, cold sores and/or pimple breakouts. To ensure success, the treatment should be delayed until after any skin reactions have passed and your skin is in top-notch health.

Post-treatment notes

After treatment with Belotero Balance, there are a few precautions you should take to keep your face healthy and your downtime to a minimum. Mainly, stay indoors and take it easy for the next day. Exercise, sun and heat can prevent the treatment from being as effective. Additionally, stay away from aspirin, anti-inflammatory medication, and even alcoholic drinks. Any of the above can cause redness, itching and swelling at the injection site.

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