The Benefits of Botox at Any Age

Botox is the most popular choice for surgery-free wrinkle reduction and the most commonly performed cosmetic non-surgical procedure in the United States. Since it was approved by the FDA in 2002, millions of patients have benefited from these easy, non-invasive treatments. It may seem that it is only for older people who have already developed …

All About Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid cosmetic surgery, is a popular procedure used to improve the appearance of puffy, drooping, and tired-looking eyes. The procedure is normally performed by a cosmetic surgeon and board-certified dermatologist. How To Prepare for Your Blepharoplasty: During the initial consultation, the surgeon reviews the patient’s medical history. This includes a detailed listing of …

Facelift Side-Effects

Facelifts are a proven method of reversing the signs of aging. They can restore facial contours and create a more youthful appearance when less invasive measures, such as injectables and chemical peels fail. A traditional facelift involves lifting the facial skin so that the underlying muscles can be tightened before the skin is then redraped. When …

The Many Uses of Botox

Botulinum toxin, also known as Botox, has been available as a cosmetic treatment for approximately 15 years. Initially, it was primarily used by middle-aged women to treat wrinkles. Once the public became comfortable with its safety and effectiveness, Botox quickly became one of the most frequently requested cosmetic non-surgical procedures in the United States. Its …

The Essentials of Sun Protection for Children

Children love being out and about enjoying the sun, and it’s good for their health, too. However, a common risk of being outdoors is sun exposure. Skin damage from UV rays can start early on and have effects long after your child has grown. For this reason, it’s important for parents to consider what they …

Understanding the Difference Between UVA and UVB Rays

Ultraviolet rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum found in sunlight. These rays are invisible to the naked eye and are classified according to their wavelengths as UVA, UVB, or UVC. The majority of UVC radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer and never reaches earth. UVA and UVB rays, on the other hand, are …

The Benefits of Choosing Mohs Surgery for Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer

More than three million people are diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer annually in the United States. Since sun exposure and indoor tanning are responsible for the majority of these cancers, they tend to occur on highly visible parts of the body, such as the neck and head. This can make surgical treatment cosmetically challenging and …

Protect Your Eyes from Sun Damage

One might be well familiar with how important it is to regularly apply sunscreen when outdoors to lower the risk of developing skin cancer. But there’s another key protective factor that can make all the difference. Eye protection is an often overlooked but crucial element in one’s skin protection regimen. The Negative Effects of Sun …

Skin Cancer Risk in Persons of Color

There is a common misconception among both doctors and patients that individuals with darker skin are immune from developing skin cancer. While it is true that the additional melanin in the skin of persons of color does provide some protection against the sun’s ultraviolet rays, a person of any color or ethnicity can develop skin …

Intense Pulsed Light Photorejuvenation for Skin Ailments

Maintaining worry-free skin isn’t always a simple matter. Dermal abnormalities or unwanted hair can frustrate some people to the point of debilitating stress. Add in the natural aging factor and the challenge becomes greater. Advertised products abound for every possible condition from acne to zits. They promise miraculous results. Most can deliver only temporary cosmetic …