Adult Acne Symptoms and Treatment

Acne is the most common skin problem in America. As a result, there is much information regarding acne available. However, not all of this information is accurate. Those who wish to have clearer skin should visit Calabasas dermatologist Dr. Tony Nakhla for professional treatment, instead of self help methods at home. Some people think you should let acne run its course. Dermatologists know that waiting is not always the best choice. Those who fail to seek treatment may develop dark spots and permanent scars.

The Forms and Signs of Acne

People often assume that acne simply means that a person has pimples on his or her face. In reality, acne can form anywhere on the body. For example, people commonly develop acne on their back, chest, upper arms and buttocks. Acne can be more than just pimples. Those who have acne can also develop blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, nodules and papules.

Some skin conditions resemble acne but are actually different. There are different four different grades of acne. Grade 4 is the most severe. Those who have acne should seek cosmetic and medical dermatology treatment.

Individuals with acne may struggle with self-confidence issues if they feel their acne is overwhelmingly present or visible. People tend to hide from what discomforts them. Fear not, there are cosmetic dermatological treatment options that significantly reduce the appearance of acne. The dermatologist may start by giving the patient a topical cream or by prescribing antibiotics to help reduce inflammation. The patient can also select a cosmetic treatment like laser therapy or a chemical peel.

Who Develops Acne?

Acne is the most common skin condition in the country. In fact, 40 to 50 million Americans develop it each year. Teenagers and young adults are the most likely to develop acne. With that said, people can develop acne at any age. For example, middle-aged women and newborn babies can also develop acne.

What Causes Acne, and How Do Doctors Treat It?

Acne forms when the pores on your skin get clogged through blockage. Clogged pores keep dead skin cells from rising to the surface. When dead skin cells remain trapped inside of a pore, acne develops. Sometimes, bacteria can even enter a clogged pore. When this occurs, the pore becomes inflamed. This is also how cysts and nodules occur.

To treat acne, an adult and pediatric dermatologist starts by examining the patient’s skin. There are several options available in terms of treatment. A patient can opt for a chemical peel if the acne is predominantly on the face. There is also microdermabrasion and laser treatments. The Fractional C02 laser treats acne effectively. It works by resurfacing the skin and increasing collagen production.

Contact OC Skin Institute to schedule a consultation if you suffer from adult acne.