Skin Tightening Procedure For Post Partum Mothers

Exilis ultra 360 is a skin tightening, cosmetic treatment for men and women. With radio, frequency, energy and controls, eating, the device can reach the deeper layers of tissue, and also help boost college and production. This treatment method also has a number of applicators that can target there is in the face, as well …

Benefits of Laser Treatments like Intense Pulsed Light

Intense pulsed light rejuvenation therapy is a laser treatment. At OC skin Institute, we offer IPL laser treatments which most prominently treat the face. With it, our patients are able to achieve their cosmetic and aesthetic goals. For example, IPL laser treatments help reduce redness, sunspots, rosacea, skin discoloration and other skin concerns. After the …

Dr. Tony Nakhla is a Reputable Cosmetic Dermatologist & Skin Cancer Surgeon

Dr. Tony Nakhla is a board-certified skin dermatologist and can help treat a variety of skin concerns and skin issues that are unwanted. His team can help you treat and diagnose any concerns you have for abnormal growths and potential skin cancers. For example, if you have a new mole that has developed, you should …

How are Lipomas Removed?

If you have noticed a fatty lump beneath your skin, you may find cause for concern and want to get it checked out by a board-certified dermatologist at OC Skin Institute. Our team of doctors and nurses are experienced in the surgical removal of lipoma. What is a Lipoma? A lipoma is a non-cancerous growth …

Sculptra: A Non-Invasive Solution to Collagen Loss

Sculptra is a facial filler that is injected into the skin by a board-certified dermatologist. This product is beneficial to many of our clients seeking a cosmetic enhancement to their facial lines, wrinkles and sunken areas of the face. Sculptra is a unique facial filler in that it promotes natural collagen production in the skin …

How the Pharos Excimer Laser Treats Psoriasis

OC Skin Institute offers a cosmetic laser treatment to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo. For mild to moderate psoriasis, this UV laser targets active lesions only. This laser also delivers concentrated light which is beneficial because it promotes quicker results. It is also recommended by board-certified dermatologists in treating difficult areas such …

Sclerotherapy is the Treatment of Choice for Spider Veins

Sclerotherapy is a medical treatment for the cosmetic appearance of spider and varicose veins. Often times, genetics, exposure to sun, injuries, hormonal changes and blood that is not able to flow freely or is backed up, can lead to spider veins in the legs. Sclerotherapy is a salt solution that is injected with a needle …

Causes & Treatment of Actinic Keratosis

An actinic keratosis is a patch of crusty, scaly skin caused by UV damage to the skin. Actinic keratoses are a precursor to various types of skin cancer. They are most often seen in adults over 40 and individuals who live in sunny climates, work outdoors, or who use sun lamps and tanning beds. Causes …

How To Treat Lipomas

Lipomas are benign fatty lumps that typically develop between the skin and muscle. Lipomas are normally harmless and do not require treatment unless they become bothersome. Lipoma Symptoms: Lipomas typically develop on the arms, thighs, shoulders, neck, abdomen, and back; however, they can develop anywhere on the body. Most lipomas measure less than two inches …

Approved Uses of Dermal Fillers

Dermal facial fillers are a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and creases. The filler is injected under the skin in a cosmetic non-surgical procedure in order to restore lost volume and to smooth out the surface of the skin. It is important to note, however, that not all dermal fillers …