The Dangers of Skin Cancer & Proper Treatment

Skin cancer is a highly dangerous and fatal ailment. If left undetected and untreated, there is a potential for the cancer or tumor to spread to other areas of the body. Within the various types of cancer include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and metatypical basal cell, there have been advancements in skin …

Cancerous Skin Lesions Before Skin Cancer

There are four major types of pre-cancerous lesions to watch out for. The first of which is acitinic keratosis, which is the result of chronic sun exposure, and is usually found on fair skinned individuals. With this type of lesion, the affected areas are flat, rough and feel like sandpaper. Acitinic keratosis has the potential …

Dr. Tony Nakhla is a Reputable Cosmetic Dermatologist & Skin Cancer Surgeon

Dr. Tony Nakhla is a board-certified skin dermatologist and can help treat a variety of skin concerns and skin issues that are unwanted. His team can help you treat and diagnose any concerns you have for abnormal growths and potential skin cancers. For example, if you have a new mole that has developed, you should …

Why are Precancerous Skin Lesions So Worrisome?

Precancerous skin lesions are what grow on the skin often times prior to the development of a cancerous skin tumor. This is why routine examinations and skin check ups with a board-certified dermatologist are so important. Detection and prevention are key. This is our practice and firm belief at OC Skin Institute. Our team of …

Tips for Limited Sun Exposure and Preventing Skin Cancer

Our practice consists of medical professionals, nurses, aestheticians, board-certified dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons who share a firm belief of the necessity to prevent skin cancer by taking active precautions. Such caution includes the following: Applying SPF daily, especially when exposed to the sun or outdoors. This includes days when the weather is overcast, as the …

Prevent Skin Cancer with Photodynamic Therapy

Skin cancer prevention and detection are critical. With excessive sun exposure, sun protection is a must. In cases where skin cancer cells are detected in the early phases or where pre-cancerous lesions are present, photodynamic therapy is a skin cancer preventative treatment. It uses special chemical compounds that are activated by certain types of light, …

Tests for Skin Cancer & Biopsies

Basal and squamous cell carcinomas, along with other type of skin cancers that are less common, can often be diagnosed with biopsies. A biopsy involves taking a tissue sample that is sent to a lab to be examined for the presence of cancer cells. When a Biopsy is Recommended Skin cancer is diagnosed in one …

Causes & Treatment of Actinic Keratosis

An actinic keratosis is a patch of crusty, scaly skin caused by UV damage to the skin. Actinic keratoses are a precursor to various types of skin cancer. They are most often seen in adults over 40 and individuals who live in sunny climates, work outdoors, or who use sun lamps and tanning beds. Causes …

The Dangers of Precancerous Lesions & Surgical Treatment and Removal

Precancerous lesions can be precursors to certain types of skin cancer and are commonly found on the mouth or other parts of the face. There are four prominent types of precancerous lesions which include: Actinic Keratosis Atypical Fibroxanthoma (AFX) Atypical Moles Melanoma in Situ These types of skin abnormalities are known to develop into skin …

Skin Cancer Removal

Once diagnosed with skin cancer, individuals living in Orange County should contact a skin cancer specialist as soon as possible to discuss options for treating and removing the lesion. The specific removal and reconstruction techniques vary based on the location, size, and type of lesion; however, there are certain steps involved in almost every skin …