Why Do I Have Acne? OC Medical Dermatologists Discuss

Severe acne can damage a person’s quality of life and self esteem, so we take special care in addressing this all-important area of treatment. The causes of acne are many, but the primary culprits are overactive oil glands that are stimulated by stress and hormones, blocked pores, skin bacteria, or inflammation on and below the …

How do you get beautiful summer skin? Orange County Dermatology

Have you ever had your driveway resurfaced? If so, you remember that the top layer of cracked asphalt was removed to make way for a fresh, new top layer. Skin resurfacing is kind of like that, only it’s a more precise, more elegant procedure that relies on the natural healing process of cellular renewal. Introducing …

Cosmetic Dermatologists Explain How You Can Avoid Wrinkles As You Age

What are some things you can do now to avoid pronounced wrinkles as you age? Below our Orange County cosmetic dermatologists do their best to answer this question:  Avoid sun damage by wearing an SPF every single day, exfoliate regularly, and treat your skin to effective products that combat skin damage. If you’re a smoker, …

Scented Moisturizer: Good or Bad? Our Cosmetic Dermatologists in OC Discuss

Question: “I’m going to buy a new moisturizer that smells like cucumber, watermelon, cinnamon, or raspberries.” That’s a BAD IDEA, I frequently hear. While they might smell good, products with strong fragrances are not good for your skin. Scented products contain chemicals that can dry out and irritate your skin. Fragrances account for 11.7% of …